Raising awareness of the consequences of not picking up after your dog.

Mark forgotten poo with our custom DoodyPoo Cues

Simply affix the custom message to the stake and stick it in the ground next to the pile to help warn others, and to remind the original owner to pick it up!

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  • Reddit - /u/kperfff

    "PLEASE pick up your dog’s shit...It’s disgusting, makes the area feel dirty, and makes it very difficult to walk without constantly checking my step."

    View Post 
  • The KC Downtown Loop

    " poop from Main all the way past Baltimore. WHO DOES THIS??? Several unfortunate souls (thankfully not me) had already stepped in it..."

    View Tweet 
  • Popular Science Magazine

    "In addition to being gross, all of this doggy doo doo...takes a notable toll on public health and the environment."

    View Article 
  • Participate

    You can make your own marking flags, or buy one of our kits.

    Flag kits 
  • Show appreciation

    Say "thanks!" to those you see doing it right (Holding a bag, etc.)

  • Share on social media

    Link to our site, use #doodypoo